Vein and Wellness Center of NJ

Surgical Affiliates of NJ provides comprehensive medical and cosmetic vein care in New Jersey. Vein Treatment Access Care is the leading center of varicose vein treatment in New Jersey. The philosophy provided by the center is one of compassion and expertise to treat and relieve patients of their symptoms.
Dr. Rosen of Surgical Affiliates of NJ provides cosmetic treatment and varicose vein treatment in New Jersey.
More than 100 million people in the United States have issues with their veins. Veins function to return blood to the heart. Many people with varicose vein seek treatment for relieve pain and heaviness and also to improve the visibility of their legs.
Your veins have valves which help blood to return to the heart. If these valves stop function blood can flow in the wrong direction and cause pressure into the branches, causes them to stretch and become varicose. This is the condition known as venous insufficiency. Board certified vascular surgeon, Dr. Rosen is an expert in venous treatment. He is trained in to treat all aspects of venous disease; including varicose veins, venous reflux , spider veins and deep venous thrombosis.
Varicose Veins
Varicose veins are swollen blood vessels that you can see and see beneath the skin . They have a bluish hue and are not needed in the body. Varicose veins typically occur in the legs. The ropy veins form when the valves within a vein weaken and allow blood to flow in a backward direction. The vein weakens and balloons. Patients often complain of heaviness, swelling, throbbing, itching and cramping but these veins can also be without symptoms.
It is advisable to have the veins treated as untreated, more significant problems can arise. Some patients develop swelling, skin discoloration or ulceration. Veins can rupture and cause bleeding or can develop clots within them. Treatment can take care of the discomfort related to varicose veins. Sometimes, however, these varicose veins are only a cosmetic issue. It is important, therefore, to seek a professional who specializes in vein treatment and is board certified in this area in particular. Our varicose vein treatment center, here in New Jersey, provides an individualized plan for the best outcome for your legs.

Types of Cosmetic Vein Procedures
Endovenous Laser Ablation
In this procedure, your doctor injects small- and medium-sized varicose veins with a solution that scars and closes those veins. In a few weeks, treated varicose veins should fade. Although the same vein may need to be injected more than once, sclerotherapy is effective if done correctly. Sclerotherapy doesn't require anesthesia and can be done in your doctor's office.

ClariVein is done in the office using only a tiny amount of local anesthesia. The ClariVein device is inserted into the target vein as a catheter. A rapidly spinning angled wire at the tip of the catheter causes trauma to the inside of the vein while a sclerosant medication is injected simultaneously. This creates the mechanical-chemical injury which scars the trunk vein closed. The trauma, which cannot be felt, increases the effectiveness of the sclerotherapy. Sclerotherapy has been used for decades to treat vein problems of all kinds
Phlebectomy (also known as microphlebectomy, ambulatory phlebectomy, or stab avulsion) is a technique to remove varicose veins . In this procedure, several tiny cuts (incisions) are made in the skin through which the varicosed vein is removed.

Endovenous Ablation
Endovenous ablation is a procedure to close off varicose veins. Endovenous means that the procedure is done inside the vein. Ablation means a doctor uses heat to damage and close off the vein. Varicose veins are twisted, enlarged veins near the surface of the skin.